Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Wow it's been a while!

Ok here is a very needed blog update!

I have made a loads of money in the last few months. I will put the details in a list to make it easier to read.

( I'm now going to give amounts in $USD to make it easier)

  • I joined two bands and have made $240 playing three gigs.
  • I bought a book and sold it on ebay for $6 profit
  • I have started a new .com blog and have made $8.60 from Google Adsense
  • I currently have made $9.54 from Adbux.org. They pay you 1 cent for each advert you click. Minimum payout is $10 so not long to go!
  • I have taken on some freelance writing work which is going to pay $120
New Total: $254.40

Once the Adbux money pays out and the freelancing is complete it will be...


Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Another Quick Update!

Ok this week has been very hectic for me. Hence the total lack of posts.

To all my readers and visitors thank you for checking my blog!

OK as far as the project goes its going well. I'm not currently sure how much I have as its all in a big jar so I will count it soon I'd guess around the £5 mark.

I still have the three comics I listed one of them on ebay but it didn't sell.. ah well I will photograph the others and put all three in the same auction soon.

The making a few extra $$$'s online is going okay.

I have made about $12 online so far... all though its all tied up due to minimum payouts and things. So until its in my bank/hand/paypal I'm not counting it.

Check back soon for another update!

Tom Boyd

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Day 11 - Quick Update

In the last few days I have listed one of the comics on ebay.

I have also found £0.09 on the floor mostly around college people here just seem to throw a lot of small change away.

I need to photograph the other comics and list them on ebay.

Not much happening but I will get there!

Tom Boyd

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Day 8 - Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

Starting Money: £4.20

TomBoyd, TomBoyd Does what Ever a Spider Can!

Today I bought three comics from a second hand bookshop for 29p each (87p total). I'm pretty sure I can get at least £1.00 each for them on Ebay. So I will keep you posted on how much they go for. This is the first time I have spent any of my stake. I hope this turns out to be my first good investment!

Ending Money: £3.33 + 3 Comic Books

Tom Boyd

Friday, 20 April 2007

Imagen you run this blog!

Day 7 – One Step Closer! Sorry Make That Two!

Starting Money: £1.14

Step 1 (£1 in to £2) is Complete!

I have achieved my goal and reached £3.12! It’s taken me 7 days to do it. I feel really motivated now. I know I can keep going up the steps and finish my goal.

How I did It

Today I cut my dad’s hair for £1.00 I’m certainly no barber but I can use a pair of clippers. When it came to giving me the £1.00 he said here you go and gave me £2.00! The extra pound was nice. This could become a regular income for me as I can now cut his hair about every six weeks when he needs it cut.

Onwards and upwards

Earlier I went and helped pick up a washing machine. This involved loading it in a van and carrying it in. We were given it by my dad’s friend as he got a new one and his old one was better than our old one (It works properly!).

I managed to arrange to T-cut (polish) the guys van. So when he has time it will be dropped round here for me to do. The guy couldn’t believe I would do it for £3.00 I know this is cheap and I could of got more but I’m not greedy.

I’m focusing on now getting my £3.12 into £4.00 Polishing the car would do it in one step! I’m not waiting round though… I am going to invest my stake by buying something to put on Ebay.

Ending Money: £3.14

Tom Boyd

Update: My dad just gave me a handful of change out of his pocket. This was more bonus for the hair cut. I counted it up there was a total of £1.06

New Ending Money : £4.20

This Jumps me onto Step 3! £4-£8

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Day 6 – The Tortoise Wins the Race!

This should of been posted yesterday (19 april 2007)

Starting Money: £1.12

Ok nothing much happened. I found two 1p coins on the floor while walking round college!

Ending Money: £1.14

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Thursday, 19 April 2007

Day 5 - Get to Know Me Better

Starting Money: £1.12

Today I've made a bit online (about $2) not much but it's a start!

I have been really busy today. I got up and went to college. Got home had dinner and went to work. Arrived home from work at midnight and here I am posting at 12:34 am. I have to get up for college again in less than 6 and a half hours….

I thought I'd share some background info about myself with you guys!

  • I am a Full-Time Music Student. I play Bass Guitar at college plus a bit of normal guitar at home.
  • I'm also a Part-Time Barman which I enjoy but it can be hard work on days like today where I have college and work.
  • I'm also now a Part-Time blogger! haha
  • I am 21 Years old
  • I live in the South East of England
  • I have two dogs and two pet mice.
  • I have been using the internet for 12 years (wow I feel old)
  • I first had Internet at home using a 486 PC with Windows 95 and a 14.4k Fax modem.
  • I have a FiancĂ©e Called Nikki who I got engaged to about a month ago!
  • I love pie! and Houmous! But I love Nikki more! heheh
Well now you all know me a bit better!

I want to leave you with this thought... You can worry about the future. You can regret your past. But the only thing you can control is the moment while it lasts!

Over and out from me

Tom Boyd

Ending money : £1.12

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Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Day 4 - The Lazy Man’s Way to Extra Cash

Starting Money: £1.06

Today walking to college I found anohter 5p and 1p at college.

I also have signed back into my very old ebay account ( had to use the lost password feature). This is ready for when I start to buy and sell things!

I found another good way to make money
This is cool and makes you about 20-30 cents a day ( $6-$9 a month ) thats with out signing anyone else up.

Hopefuly this will help me out with getting up a few 'Steps'

Ending money : £1.12

Tom Boyd

P.S Any money made online i'm not counting until it's in my hand/bank

P.P.S I know my progress is slow at the moment.. but I will get there! So watch this space...

Monday, 16 April 2007


Ok here are the rules I will be following during my project. Feel free to start your own 1-100k Project!

1. You have to start with £1 (or $1) stake money.

2. You must only use the stake money. You cannot use you're own money. You don't have to use all of the stake money but obviously can't use more than it.

3. You can use as many steps as you like to complete the doubling.

4. You must keep a diary (or blog) of events. Say how you are reaching that step and the date in which you complete it.

5. Don't worry about the future doublings, just focus on the step you are currently on.

6. You are not allowed to spend any of the money until you reach your goal. Other than to complete a step, of course.

7. You are not allowed to use money you would have been getting anyway ie. your job. You can, however, take on extra work outside of this that you would have not normally done.

8. You may use any resources you have except money.

9. If you lose any money whilst doubling carry on from the money you had before the loss and rework back to where you were.

10. Here is the key to it all " Use the stake money to create value which you can sell for more"

Hope this is clear for anyone.

Feel free to comment regarding these rules

Tip: There are only so many coins on the floor and hour's of extra work you can do taking on a second job. It will certainly get you started but wont get you to the end. Rule 10 is the key.

Tom Boyd

Day 3 - See How Easily You Can Find Things

Starting Money £1.00

This morning on the way to college I found a Jim Dunlop Nylon Guitar Pick. I figured it might be useful for this project if i can sell it. It's worth about 50p new. I know this seems mad that I'm trying to make pennies when my end goal is 100k! But I'm doing this one step at a time and for now all I need to think about it getting to £2. If anyone wants to buy the pick then make me an offer!
I will even sign it if you ask nicely *grins*

I found 1p on the path on my way to my music theory class which made me smile. Who ever thought 1p could make anyone smile? But now I have this clear goal of doubling my £1 into £2 I know i'm that little bit closer.

I later found 5p under and vending machine. This is my biggest cash find so far.

I went into town in search of something for 50p (see Day 2 for details) but I couldn’t find anything for 50p or under which I believed to be any good for reselling.

I did pick up a book called ' The 10 day MBA' but I bought this out of my own separate money and not this projects. Hopefully though the more I learn about business the better.

Next time I speak to someone in my family I'm going to ask them if they have any jobs I can do for them for £1. Like maybe wash their car or something. How can they refuse its a bargain for that little.

Ending Money: £1.06 + a guitar pick

Tom Boyd

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Day 2 - I have a Dream

Day 2

Starting Money: £1.00

Today I went for Roast Dinner at a local pub with my family. That was really lovely. I have spent the rest of the day reading and I made my first 'proper' post on my 'Extra Income Blog'

Your Blogs Image - Are you in control?

I didn’t find any money today... I think to get to the next step of £2.00 I'm going to have to take some serious action. I'm thinking of buying something for about 50p and listing it on ebay...

I will do that tomorrow. In town I will go shopping with half of my £1!

Ending Money: £1.00 (+ a great idea of how to increase it)

Tom Boyd

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Day 1 - You Don’t Have to Be Rich to Start Something Great

Day 1

Ok today I started the project. I found 1p on the floor outside the local shops. Finding money is not going to get me to the end of my goal but every bit helps!

Stake : £1.01

My Fiancee (Nikki) Has also started this project after I told her about it. We are going to both do this and compare are results.

I then decided to take a risk and bet my found penny... I bet Nikki 1p in a game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'

I lost so back to £1.00

All though it was abit of fun I think I have learn't a lessons from this. Don't gamble!

Ok bit of a slow start but stay tuned!

Tom Boyd

My Plan

Welcome to my new blog.

Here is my plan. I recently read a site about turning nothing into $1 Million.
(Has anyone ever got there ? I think the furtherest person I found is on a few $100)

You have to start by finding a penny on the floor and then doubling it till you get the end of the goal.

But I'm doing it my own way. I'm going to start with £1 of my own money. I'm going to 'double' my way to my goal of £100,000.

So starting with my £1 I will then double it to £2.00 then to £4.00 and so on and not to a million $ either but to £100,000 (Just under 200,000 USD) this is obviously less but I feel a more achievable goal.

It will be called 'The Tom Boyd Project'

I will track my progress on this blog.

Steps needed

1) £1 - £2
2) £2 - £4
3) £4 - £8
4) £8 - £16
5) £16 - £32
6) £32 - £64
7) £64 - £128
8) £128 - £256
9) £256 - £512
10) £512 - £1,024
11) £1,024 - £2,048
12) £2,048 - £4,096
13) £4,096 - £8,192
14) £8,192 - £16,384
15) £16,384 - £32,768
16) £32,768 - £65,336
17) £65,336 - £100,000 (Here I won't need to double as I hit my goal.)

Wish me luck!

Tom Boyd

(The old comments can be read Here)