Saturday, 14 April 2007

Day 1 - You Don’t Have to Be Rich to Start Something Great

Day 1

Ok today I started the project. I found 1p on the floor outside the local shops. Finding money is not going to get me to the end of my goal but every bit helps!

Stake : £1.01

My Fiancee (Nikki) Has also started this project after I told her about it. We are going to both do this and compare are results.

I then decided to take a risk and bet my found penny... I bet Nikki 1p in a game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'

I lost so back to £1.00

All though it was abit of fun I think I have learn't a lessons from this. Don't gamble!

Ok bit of a slow start but stay tuned!

Tom Boyd


Vics said...

Does Nikki have a blog as well.. It'll be interesting to read how you both go on with this..

Tom Boyd said...

Hey thanks for reding my blog here is nikki's 100k blog link