Sunday, 15 April 2007

Day 2 - I have a Dream

Day 2

Starting Money: £1.00

Today I went for Roast Dinner at a local pub with my family. That was really lovely. I have spent the rest of the day reading and I made my first 'proper' post on my 'Extra Income Blog'

Your Blogs Image - Are you in control?

I didn’t find any money today... I think to get to the next step of £2.00 I'm going to have to take some serious action. I'm thinking of buying something for about 50p and listing it on ebay...

I will do that tomorrow. In town I will go shopping with half of my £1!

Ending Money: £1.00 (+ a great idea of how to increase it)

Tom Boyd

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Woohoo go Tom! Don't forget to factor in the eBay fees to ensure you double your doodad cost!

Look forward to updates...

Best of luck,
Cheers, Annie :D