Welcome to my new blog.
Here is my plan. I recently read a site about turning nothing into $1 Million.
(Has anyone ever got there ? I think the furtherest person I found is on a few $100)
You have to start by finding a penny on the floor and then doubling it till you get the end of the goal.
But I'm doing it my own way. I'm going to start with £1 of my own money. I'm going to 'double' my way to my goal of £100,000.
So starting with my £1 I will then double it to £2.00 then to £4.00 and so on and not to a million $ either but to £100,000 (Just under 200,000 USD) this is obviously less but I feel a more achievable goal.
It will be called 'The Tom Boyd Project'
I will track my progress on this blog.
Steps needed
1) £1 - £2
2) £2 - £4
3) £4 - £8
4) £8 - £16
5) £16 - £32
6) £32 - £64
7) £64 - £128
8) £128 - £256
9) £256 - £512
10) £512 - £1,024
11) £1,024 - £2,048
12) £2,048 - £4,096
13) £4,096 - £8,192
14) £8,192 - £16,384
15) £16,384 - £32,768
16) £32,768 - £65,336
17) £65,336 - £100,000 (Here I won't need to double as I hit my goal.)
Wish me luck!
Tom Boyd
(The old comments can be read Here)
It will be interesting to see how this turns out, Tom.
I agree it will be interesting. The main thing i like about your method over the Double your way to a million method is the fact it eliminate's thous first useless 6 steps going from a cent to a dollar (or pound in your case). Also in the future or for others wanting to go all the way to the million only an additional 4 steps are needed.
Anyway Good luck in project.
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